Bennett’s Coach and Waggon Works

James Bennett’s Works were located on the south-western corner of Queen Street and Carson Lane, in the area now occupied by Nos 229-241 Queen Street.

George Bennett’s works were located on the north-western corner of Queen Street and Carson Lane, in the area now occupied by Nos 209-225 Queen Street.

Historical Information Relating to the Development & Layout of the Site
James Bennett purchased the above site in 1899 (1), but is known to have established his business in Queen Street in as early as 1892. It is quite possible that he was leasing this property prior to purchasing it. Although Bennett’s sons continued to operate this factory until the 1950s no plans or photographs have been located which would help to describe its layout or operation.

George Bennett purchased his Queen Street site in December 1888 (2). The only documentary evidence which indicates the scale and form of these works is a photograph from 1910 which shows a large, single storey corrugated iron shed which would have covered most of the site . These works were closed down when George Bennett retired in 1920.

Physical Evidence Identified by Site Inspection
There are no standing structures which relate to the development of the two Coach and Waggon Works and a site inspection revealed no evidence of archaeological remains. Both sites have been extensively redeveloped as part of the retail centre of St Marys.

Potential Archaeological Evidence
On the basis of the available information about the nature of these works it is likely that they would have had only a limited initial impact on the site. Furthermore, both sites have been extensively redeveloped.

The only potential areas of archaeological evidence are the lanes and back portions of the shops. It is considered that the most probable form of evidence would be as ash and charcoal, but even if this evidence has been deposited it is probable that the introduction of modern service pipes would have disturbed it to some degree.

On the basis of the archival evidence and site inspection it may therefore be concluded that is highly unlikely that significant evidence of the coach and waggon works would remain in the area as archaeological features.

There are no standing structures related to the development of the two coach and waggon works at St Marys.

Little, if any, archaeological evidence is likely to exist oh these sites. If any archaeological evidence does exist it is likely to be located in the form of deposited stratigraphic layers and these have probably been disturbed to some degree by modern service pipes and construction.

1.Land Title Office, CT Volume 431, Folio 186
2.National Trust of Australia (NSW) -Listing proposal